Google has ended less secure apps configuration and GLPI is not working

After May 30th Google has changed its policy of less secure apps which use just username and password to login in the platform. With these changes, many GLPI instances need some adjustments, so people can still use notifications by email and also ticket opening by email using Gmail or Google for Workspace.

The teams that have practiced the good practice of enabling the Multifactor Authentication – 2FA/MFA – probably had not even realized the incident.

Many professionals had related this incident with an update to GLPI 10. Even though there’s timing correlation, there’s no evidence of the cause being the new version. It’s just a compliance change on Google’s policies.

This procedure was tested on GLPI 9.1 version and above.

To solve this incident, and other ones related to the use of Gmail platform, you need 3 actions:

  1. Activate the multifactor authentication in your Google account that you use to GLPI services
  2. Set up an app password
  3. Update your password on GLPI

Multifactor authentication

Look for your profile picture, in the top right corner of your Google Account and, click at “Manage your Google Account”

Click on the Security Tab and enable the 2-step verification

App Password enabling

At the same page (Security), look for the App Password menu.

This option is made for applications that need access to a Google Account, and there’s no way for a person to type the 2-step verification code every and each time the system needs to access the service. Like GLPI receivers or notifications.

Generate a new App Password and store this password somewhere secure. You’ll need it.

I suggest you create a new one for every different service that uses this account.

Click on App Passwords
Choose Other (Custom name), type GLPI and hit Generate
Secure this password. You’ll need it.

Update the password on GLPI

GLPI – Mail receiver using Gmail – How to set up GLPI to open tickets by email using Gmail

In Setup > Receivers
Choose your gmail receiver and update the password with the one you’ve just generated.

GLPI – Email followups using Gmail – How to set up GLPI mail followups using Gmail

Setup > Notifications
Email Followups Configuration
Update the SMTP Password

In this video, I tell you some more tips and hints about the two modules of GLPI updated above.



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3 respostas para “Google has ended less secure apps configuration and GLPI is not working”

  1. Avatar de Gerson

    Arthur, boa tarde.
    Venho enfrentando problemas pra abrir chamados, porém utilizo office 365.
    Quando tento “Obter E-mails Agora” recebo a seguinte mensagem : “Ocorreu um erro ao tentar se conectar ao coletor.
    cannot login, user or password wrong”
    Utilizo os seguintes Parametros : {}INBOX/Chamados
    Já alterei a senha de usuário, tentei outros e-mails entretanto retornam a mesma mensagem.
    Poderia me dar uma luz?
    Desde já agradeço.

    1. Avatar de Arthur Schaefer
      Arthur Schaefer

      Você vai precisar do plugin Oauth imap.
      A Microsoft andou bloqueando muita coisa nativa.

      Se precisar de apoio profissional, pode chamar a turma no [email protected] pois estão em linha de montagem com esse problema em diversos novos clientes.

  2. Avatar de Alexandre

    Boa tarde Arthur.

    Atualizei o GLPI da V9.5 para a V10.0.10. Na verdade fiz uma nova instalação. E desde então não consigo enviar as notificações. Pode indicar um passo-a-passo para eu conseguir fazer esse bendito enviar as notificações. Inclusive se houver algum detalhe a ser observado no Linux (utilizo ubuntu 23).

    Desde já agradeço.

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