E o GLPI não pára!!
Saiu durante esta madrugada o GLPI 0.84 Release Candidate 2. A menos de 30 dias a versão RC1 do GLPI 0.84 chegou até nós e apresentou grandes melhorias em relação a versão BETA. Acredito que em menos de 30 dias teremos a versão final. Parece estar bastante estável e com bastante correções de bugs. Mas vale lembrar também que ainda não é a versão final. Não utilize em produção pois os plugins, e algumas outras configurações automáticas ou manuais ainda podem sofrer pequenos ou grandes bugs.
Como nas versões BETA e RC1, os usuários podem baixar, instalar a nova versão (atualizando de versão anterior ou instalando do zero), testar e caso necessário e conveniente, reportar possíveis erros e bugs que porventura possam ser encontrados durante o uso.
Anúncio oficial:
We are very happy to announce the birth of the second release candidate of the v0.84 : GLPI-0.84-RC2.
We want to thanks all of you who work on the beta-test to debug or to translate GLPI.
First of all !!! WARNING !!! this version is not the final version of the 0.84.
Its aim is to allow you to test it and to find remaining bugs. We do not advise you to use this version in production.
You can download this version with the download section.
You could contribute at that time of final debug by testing this version and by making reviews of all bugs or problems that you encountered by using it. You can do it directly on the mailing-list (glpi-dev prefered) or using the forum section bug beta tests
You will find the list of the improvements made by this new version here
Best regards,
The development team
Changelog Oficial: (Comparação entre RC1 e RC2 grifada em amarelo)
- Bug #2041: Duplicate when a user is renamed in the ldap directory
- Bug #3214: Problem on notifications link for local users or unexisiting user when using SSO / CAS
- Bug #3301: GROUP_CONCAT / optional distinct for search ?
- Bug #3449: Missing delete ticket notification in default dump
- Bug #3649: Wrong installation counter when software is visible in child entities
- Bug #3692: Review Rules data management
- Bug #3717: CSRF prevention step 3
- Bug #3852: Review Help links
- Bug #3892: Trouble on add user to ticket via Ticket_User : status not changing.
- Bug #3929: Trouble on mandatory fields of ticket templates for post-only (v2)
- Bug #3962: Don’t create NetworkNames when creating several NetworkPort
- Bug #3963: More indexes
- Feature #622: Hierachical document categories
- Feature #721: Title field for contact (profession)
- Feature #827: Un statut pour les notes : TODO/FAIT
- Feature #933: Do not delete reservation history
- Feature #1050: Being able to give an address for a contact
- Feature #1061: Ability to filter planning
- Feature #1066: Notifications on receivers errors : step 1
- Feature #1072: IPv6 management
- Feature #1195: kb : style code and allow code in article
- Feature #1230: Ergonomy : Choose language directly in the menu header
- Feature #1257: Send Warranty alert before end of waranty
- Feature #1322: Recherche globale sur les infos financières
- Feature #1706: List of devices directly connected to a computer doesn’t take into account plugins
- Feature #2021: mailcollector : add options for move messages or delete
- Feature #2053: Alert for pluriannual contracts
- Feature #2077: Add rights for tickets allow to hide tabs
- Feature #2219: Improve ldap timestamp restriction
- Feature #2230: Notification before an event in the planning
- Feature #2240: Moteur de recherche sur les notes
- Feature #2307: Add a new ldap criteria (LDAP) member
- Feature #2308: Sort rights criterias list in rulesengine
- Feature #2310: Ability to use more than one ldap server when using external auth (SSO)
- Feature #2327: Log manual change of user authentication method
- Feature #2441: SSO HTTP variables should be defined as dropdowns
- Feature #2491: Ability to sort tickets by location
- Feature #2593: Permit to integrate RSS flow to central view
- Feature #2597: Notifications — add an event for validation (split request and answer)
- Feature #2662: Create an unified method to display a field or display select system
- Feature #2841: Recipient of notifications
- Feature #2842: save input for all object
- Feature #2851: Permit to send validation request to supervisor of group
- Feature #2928: Massive action for consumable
- Feature #2955: Email blacklist for collectors
- Feature #3031: Don’t notify connected user for his own action
- Feature #3091: Allow Regex to define extension in document type
- Feature #3096: Blacklist IP/MAC for import rules
- Feature #3098: Time to react for SLA
- Feature #3237: Improve pager and massive action display
- Feature #3265: Enhanced X509 management : AC management
- Feature #3288: Complete review of network description
- Feature #3324: Send alert before expiration of license
- Feature #3325: Send alert on contract before end
- Feature #3355: Improve recurrent tickets
- Feature #3368: Drop kerberos warnings for collector
- Feature #3369: Display manage tickets for groups
- Feature #3377: Add link one unicity fields if read right
- Feature #3414: Ticket template : Add open date to hide field
- Feature #3420: Improve rules for plugins
- Feature #3421: Class ruleOcs and ruleOcsCollection
- Feature #3422: Class ruleImportComputer
- Feature #3423: Manage log message from plugin
- Feature #3433: Add ticket assign count information for assign on update ticket
- Feature #3437: Preview mode to NotificationTemplate
- Feature #3453: New search criteria not under
- Feature #3460: Use LDAP paged results available in PHP 5.4
- Feature #3476: Add /norsh /secure /debug options for mailcollector
- Feature #3481: Force complex passwords for user
- Feature #3506: Create global search engine for Assets (generic status search) including network search
- Feature #3507: Add tabs to planning
- Feature #3567: Add “view problem” in the central view
- Feature #3568: Enhance KB management for admin KB
- Feature #3570: Massive action contract
- Feature #3599: Show last updates on knowledge base
- Feature #3600: Visibility for KB
- Feature #3601: Multiple suppliers on tickets
- Feature #3603: Link contract and budget + link budget and ticket
- Feature #3604: Permit to hide crtiterias of search engine
- Feature #3605: Permit to massive solve tickets from problem
- Feature #3611: Permit to add supervisor / manager / user as massive action of groups
- Feature #3619: Massive action document
- Feature #3631: Improve show Hide form : keep header
- Feature #3637: Propose use to check its pref before creating a new ticket
- Feature #3664: Expired licenses do still count
- Feature #3679: Split validation right for incident / request
- Feature #3694: Inventory / Ticket : Add column Number of linked documents
- Feature #3699: Add bar for due date of a ticket in list of tickets
- Feature #3700: Add item list tags for contract notifications
- Feature #3733: Report libraries in system information
- Feature #3739: Normalize the MAC and IP addresses of NetworkEquipment
- Feature #3766: Suggestion for CommonDBTM::getFromDB
- Feature #3806: Transform can* dynamic methods to static
- Feature #3807: Improve CommonDBRelation and CommonDBChild
- Feature #3811: Transform CommonDBTM::getIndexName() to static
- Feature #3819: Review group tab on user form
- Feature #3828: Review all CommonDBChild and CommonDBRelation inherited classes to use inheritance for check and history log
- Feature #3872: Improve Task frequency (make it accurate)
- Feature #3878: Add timeout on autocomplete search
- Feature #3901: Add end_date to recurrent ticket
- Feature #3943: Add number of tickets and problems on itil category list
- Feature #3955: Add a new hook for plugin
- Feature #3958: Permit to get multivaluable emails fields from LDAP
- Feature #3967: Multi-actors from Rule engines
- Feature #3971: See Number of linked problems on Tickets list
- Feature #3989: Block solution edition on closed status
- Feature #4023: Permit to use specific HTML Tag on KB
- Feature #4026: Mailcollector : Permit to use email date instead of import date to create ticket
- Feature #4067: Allow dissociate a NetworkName from a NetworkPort
- Feature #4141: Add tag for ticket notifications : number of unresolved tickets
- Feature #4145: Add warranty information on tickets
- Feature #4163: Improve other auth
- Feature #4171: Double confirmation on restore DB to avoid wrong actions.
- Feature #4182: Check PHP version ASAP
- Feature #4187: Assign entity using regex
- Feature #4191: Get user informations on SERVER variable for Shibolleth or Lemon LDAP auth
- Feature #4222: Add warning on delete last profile with profile,w right
- Feature #4282: view tickets that a user in delegatee
- Feature #4284: Do not use days for display of total durations
- Feature #4288: Step for times allowed in a task
- Feature #4311: Permit to search on user / group requester to post-only
- Feature #4312: Permit to search on ancestors groups in ticket searcg engine
- Feature #4345: Add new tag for notification
- Feature #4347: Add Alternate username / Alternate username number to global inventory search engine
- Feature #4349: Add an option to searchoption for disable displaypreference display
- Task #976: Convert mod OCS in a Plugin
- Task #3011: switch from mysql to mysqli extension
- Task #3078: Move Prerequisite to PHP 5.3.0
- Task #3079: Change localisation system : use gettext
- Task #3097: PHP 5.4 compatibility
- Task #3272: Finish / Clean massive action checks (right, messages)
- Task #3274: Change “Inventaire/Inventory” string
- Task #3282: Merge glpi_entities and glpi_entitydatas in one table
- Task #3298: Review component display
- Task #3419: Review locks
- Task #3508: Put at the end of the list of params in search engine : All and Viewed items
- Task #3548: Clean clone system for all link item on creation based on template
- Task #3606: Review punctuation rules used in gettext strings
- Task #3690: Drop cache system for rules engine
- Task #3702: Review import software and rule engines
- Task #3722: Review massive action management
- Task #3767: Change status field for ticket / problem to integer to gain perf
- Task #3902: Review reservation repeat system
- Task #3930: Terminology : Delete / Purge to Put in trash / Delete permanently
- Task #3931: Upgrade Zend library for gettext
- Task #3932: Clean Headers
- Task #3976: Review ticket template load system
- Task #3982: Add plugin hook for status.php
- Task #3987: Move GLPI installation URL to main config
- Task #4036: CommonDevice and import function
- Task #4059: Update README on website to update prerequisites (PHP…)
- Task #4076: Add retention delay / begin and end of execution time for crontasklogs to search engine
- Task #4120: Drop Cache Lite library
- Task #4179: Use absolute path for GLPI_ROOT
Tudo parece se encaminhar para o fim ao vermos os progressos do projeto:
Enquanto isso aguardamos ansiosamente pela versão final enquanto nos contentamos com os testes na versão RC 2.
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