Ontem no finalzinho do dia recebi a notícia de que o GLPI 0.83.2 estava disponível para download.
Visualizando o changelog da versão pude verificar diversas correções de bugs bastante interessantes. Alguns até que eu acabei quebrando a cabeça para tentar resolver.
Abaixo uma cópia do changelog disponível no link https://forge.indepnet.net/projects/glpi/versions/750
Tarefas relacionadas
- Bug #3510: Can’t delete group affected to a problem
- Bug #3522: Ticket template with not display predefined fields
- Bug #3523: Maximum duration of task to 100h
- Bug #3524: Reminder visibility bugs : not take into account hours
- Bug #3532: Always propose Entity as visibility criteria
- Bug #3533: Problem on send notification to groups : not send to supervisor
- Bug #3534: Fix SQL notice on login
- Bug #3537: bug on problem navigation
- Bug #3539: Fix delete ticket notification
- Bug #3545: Assign groups to ticket rules not filtered
- Bug #3546: Anonymous FAQ categories display
- Bug #3547: Bug on add from template with ‘
- Bug #3555: Missing supplier field on ticket creation
- Bug #3557: On rules, criteria exist/not exist not check is value is 0
- Bug #3559: update a closed ticket
- Bug #3571: Bad URL link on notifications
- Bug #3577: Ticket recurrent issue with special char. in text field
- Bug #3580: Bug in purge user
- Bug #3581: Bug in transfer of a ticket
- Bug #3586: File system conversion not detected
- Bug #3587: View ticket for a post only that can’t create ticket
- Bug #3593: Improve extract title from content on mailcollector
- Bug #3594: Error extracting striping text content when bad quoting
- Bug #3595: Software dictionnary problem
- Bug #3596: Missing under criteria for asisgn group on rule criteria
- Bug #3597: Delete delegate and supervisor of groups from massive actions
- Bug #3598: Bookmark and nosearch items
- Bug #3602: due date calculation with waiting times with SLA
- Bug #3613: Change summary for ICS export (no item linked but ticket tile)
- Bug #3618: create private task on duraton set depending on user pref
- Bug #3626: ticket template : actor list displayed when set as hidden.
- Bug #3627: ticket creation don’t use user default entity
- Bug #3628: Duplicated category after ticket transfer
- Feature #3582: Debug mode from command line
- Task #3529: Add SLA delay (minutes)
Mensagem oficial de Release no site do GLPI
Que tal testar a nova versão??
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