18.GLPI — Configuring AJAX notifications on GLPI

Have you ever seen that the GLPI 9.2.x versions have the AJAX notifications?

So, if you haven’t, take a look at this video.

In this video, I show you how to configure the Ajax notifications on GLPI.

UPDATE: Google Chrome >65 are not supporting Browser Notifications (AJAX) from HTTP websites. That’s why I used Firefox instead.



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2 respostas para “18.GLPI — Configuring AJAX notifications on GLPI”

  1. Avatar de Romullo Andrade
    Romullo Andrade

    Vi seu vídeo, foi de grande ajuda e esclarecimento. Sabe me informar se funciona na versão 9.4.4? No log de erro está retornando sempre:
    [2019-11-01 13:24:58] glpiphplog.ERROR: NotificationEventAjax::send() in /var/www/html/glpi/inc/notificationeventajax.class.php line 75
    NotificationEventAjax::send should not be called! {“user”:”2@ubuntoteste”}

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